Pastor's Bible Class
Sundays, 10:15am - Fellowship Hall
As part of our Reboot Fall Focus, we are offering our Connect Class (New Members) on Sunday morning as our main Pastor-led Bible Class. However, this class is not just for new members. All are invited to dig deeper into the foundations of our Christian faith.
Refreshments provided - Childcare available (Christ for Kids)
Livestreamed at Immanuel's YouTube Page
Parenting Small Group
Sundays, 10:15 am - Library
Led by parents, for parents, this small group meets for casual discussion of relevant topics. Childcare available (Christ for Kids)
Call the Church Office for more info (815-544-8058)
Serendipity Small Group
Sundays, 8:30am - 10am - Conference Room
Small group study of God's Word in a comfortable, conversational setting
Dale Massaro (
Immanuel North Sunday Study
Sundays, 10:30am - Immanuel North
Pastors lead this conversational Bible study following worship on a variety of topics.
Pastor Wagner (
Monday Morning Bible Class
Mondays, 9am - Fellowship Hall
Old and new friends gather for fellowship, food, and in-depth study of God's word.
View old classes at Immanuel's YouTube Page
Pastor Richard (
Immanuel North Men's Study
Wednesdays, 7:30am - Immanuel North
Meet with other men for a conversational but in-depth study of the Bible, working chapter-by-chapter from Genesis to Revelation (but new men are always invited to pop in any time).
Pastor Wagner (
Young Adult Rockford—Area Bible Study
Wednesdays, 7pm - Christ the Rock Lutheran Church
Meet with other young adults (20s-30s) from Rockford Area Lutheran churches for a video study focused on Apologetics.
Emelia Waugh
Lighlight Bible Studies
Meeting Times Vary - Morning, Evening, and Virtual Groups available
Designed for women to dig into God's word through at-home study and small group conversation, groups meet at a variety of times and locations.
Thursday Mornings
Conference Room, 9-11am
Donna Gutzler (
View the Pastor's lectures at Immanuel's YouTube Page
Various Small Groups Available (Times/Days Vary)
Email Elissa Sullivan (
Saturday Morning Men's Study
Alternating Saturdays, 8am - Conference Room
Meet with other men to study Andy Stanley’s “Not In It to Win It” which explores a different way for Christians to interact with the world.
Mike Robertson (